📢 Webinar: Get to know the new generation 10 of TCO Certified ! (in English)

📢 Webinar: Get to know the new generation 10 of TCO Certified ! (in English)

27 June 2024

ISIT-BE is pleased to invite you to its next webinar to learn more about the newest generation 10 of TCO Certified, a sustainability certification for IT products !

TCO Certified? 

As a sustainability certification for IT products, TCO Certified includes a comprehensive system of up-to-date criteria, independent verification and a structured system for continuous improvement. TCO Certified is therefore updated every three years with the newest generation 10 coming out in June 2024 with the first certified products launched in December 2024. Join our webinar to learn about the newest criteria and verification methods of this generation !

What can I expect from this webinar? 

Barton Finn, Purchaser Engagement Manager at TCO Development, will highlight significant updates and changes in the new generation of TCO Certified, focusing on climate, circularity, supply chain and substances. He will also provide an overview on how to create sustainability reports for certified products with the new tool Report Generator, and what it means to IT users and purchasing organizations.

👉TCO Certified : https://tcocertified.com/
👉New generation of TCO Certified : https://tcocertified.com/industry/generation-10/
👉Report Generator : https://tcocertified.com/report-generator/

👨‍💼LinkedIn of Barton Finn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/barton-finn/

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