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📢 Webinar: Get to know the new generation 10 of TCO Certified ! (in English)

⚑ | 27.06.2024 - 11h00

ISIT-BE is pleased to invite you to its next webinar to learn more about the newest generation 1...


GreenTech Forum Brussels, the new Tech & Sustainability event 📡

⚑ | 18.06.2024 - 00h00

Placed under the patronage of Planet Tech'Care and co-organized by the Belgian Institute for Sust...


📢 Webinaire: découvrez l'outil Kastor qui analyse l'écoconeption et l'accessbilité de vos sites web (en Français)

⚑ | 14.05.2024 - 11h00

L'Institut Belge du Numérique Responsable vous propose un webinaire sur l'outil Kastor qui anal...


📢 Webinar : Learn from Airbus (in collaboration with SopraSteria) and BNP Paribas Personal Finance's eco-design framework (in English)

⚑ | 02.05.2024 - 15h00

The Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT is pleased to invite you to its next webinar in which A...


Webinar : discover innovative Sustainable IT solutions from CarbonScore & Rejoose ! 👩‍🏫

⚑ | 12.03.2024 - 11h00

ISIT-BE is pleased to invite you to its next webinar in which we will learn more about two innovat...


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ISIT-BE members


Members in Europe


Sustainable IT Charter signatories


Employees committed


People trained

About the ISIT-BE

The Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT (ISIT-BE) is a non-profit association promoting a more environmentally friendly, accessible, ethical, and inclusive digitalisation. We support organisations willing to start or improve their sustainability actions when it comes to IT, to fully maximize the benefits of digital technologies. We provide tools, guides, trainings, workshops, and more services to our members for them to minimize the negative impacts of their IT equipment, uses and services. We also counsel public authorities, and we intervene for the general public to raise awareness on the impacts of digital technology (in schools, media, associations, etc.), in addition to the public resources that we make available.

The strength of our association lies in its members and partners, including the support we receive from public authorities. It is only by bringing together as many actors as possible that we will be able to make a real difference in the way IT is done in Belgium. This is crucial for the environment, for a more inclusive and ethical society, but also for the future competitivity of our companies.

The Green Deal of the European Commission will strongly influence IT products and services in the coming years. Don’t miss the train, join us and be at the forefront of this transition.

ISIT-BE Partners

logo INR France logo Brussels Capital logo ISIT Switzerland logo Agence du Numérique